Story / 26 Dec 2014 / 0 COMMENTS
Detour for Dim Sum in Hong Kong
Chinese night buses are the most interesting ones I had ever used. Instead of reclining seats like any other night bus, they actually had bunk beds so that you could lie down properly.
The back rest is slightly raised so as to allow the feet of the passenger behind you to fit underneath. What is quite a clever design solution proved to be a rather uncomfortable reality as the length of the beds were Chinese size, meaning that I spent the entire 12h drive trying to find a proper way to stretch my legs. Having gone through hard seats on Chinese trains however, I was well prepared to handle it. My other two friends I met at the beginning couldn’t say the same as Zac was nearly a head taller than me and Isaac was used to more comfortable modes of travel.
We did make it all the way to Shenzhen though, but Zac couldn’t control his upset stomach any longer and we had to alight a couple of stops earlier so that he could use the facilities. Being from Hong Kong himself, Isaac knew his way around Shenzhen very well and it didn’t take long for us to end up having Dim Sum before heading over the border, where it would be well too expensive to enjoy, especially if you get used to Mainland China prices.
Zac had already left us before the Dim Sum, in order to catch his train, whilst Isaac and me parted ways at the border. I was once again on my own, this time taking the MTR to Hong Kong.
The first differences I noticed started with the train announcement that used British English instead of American like on the mainland, then street signs that seemed very familiar to the ones in London and then it hit me, wait, they drive on the other side too.
The British influence could be seen everywhere from street names to double decker buses and the typefaces used for the signs, just to name a few. When I saw a Pret a Manger I couldn’t help but feel that HK is the Asian version of London. Other things that struck me were the countless high rises, narrow side streets and the fast pace at which people were moving around. Although China had more people, HK really felt like a proper busy and lively city.
Having arrived quite late I decided to take a quick rest at the hostel before taking the famous 2$ ferry ride across the bay. It truly is the best thing to do when you first arrive in the city as you get the best view of the bay and the skyline. Once on the other side I set up base to take some shots especially as it was getting dark very quickly.
Not having a tripod anymore, made it slightly more complicated but not impossible to take some good long exposures as I used my camera bag to prop up my camera. I played around with the movements of the boats coming in and out of the harbour, before I went back to the hostel. The weather was getting progressively worse and I soon gave up on my plan to stay an additional night in order to climb the Victoria Peak.
The next day I quickly met up with my ex-boyfriend Ben, who moved back to Hong Kong three years ago, before heading back to Shenzhen to catch my next train to Nanning, my last stop in China.