Story / 13 Jan 2015 / 0 COMMENTS
Feeling Home in Phnom Penh
After traveling through so many new countries I had set foot on for the first time it was a nice feeling to cross the border into a place I had been before.
Seven years ago Cambodia seemed so alien and different to me. At that time I barely knew any places other than Thailand and Germany so Cambodia was the unknown land you had to be careful with when you step inside its bounds. This time however, Cambodia felt more like a familiar place, a country that’s shares so many traditions, rituals and sentiments with Thailand.
The food was much spicier and in some cases tastier than in Vietnam, people seemed friendlier and more relaxed, and the weather was hotter and sunnier.
Even the hostel was a welcoming departure of the crammed and dark ones we got used to in Vietnam. A place where it was easier to meet people like Olivia and Mariano who we shared the most intense laughs, street food and a nice stroll around the Central Market and Royal Palaces. And even without their company the trip to the Killing Fields and its stunning, yet deeply touching audio guide, were an unforgettable experience.
To top it off I managed to get in touch with Xenia, a good friend I met a while back in London, to meet for a quick sip of beer, before taking the next bus to Siem Reap.