Newsletter / 20 Mar 2018 / 0 COMMENTS
The Winner is… and more from Puerto Escondido
Hola from Puerto Escondido,
Today I am officially announcing the winner of the poster print contest, but before we get to that…
My time in Puerto Escondido is soon coming to an end. It’s been nearly two weeks once again – how fast time flies when you’re working hard. I spent most of the time here with Darren and Jeremy designing and strategizing for a new platform to find and book hostels around the world. Its been an intensive week and we did get a lot of things done, but with any proper design process, it always ends up taking longer than expected.

We were very lucky to hosted by the larger than life character Alberto, whose life and travel stories always made for amazing dinner conversations and Magda just loved the fact that I was so obsessed with Mexican cuisine. Talking about food, she introduced me to some new local Oaxacan dishes (pronounced Wahaca) like Empanadas Amarillo de Pollo, which uses a leaf that tastes like liquorice to lend it its unique taste. Whilst munching on my newly discovered delicacy, I asked her: “What’s the difference between Empanadas and Quesadillas?” She looked back at me with a straight face and lowered her voice: “Actually they are pretty much the same” supporting my conspiracy theory that Mexican’s want to confuse us foreigner with a larger variety of foods than they actually have. Having locals show you their favourite places to eat is definitely a key to find great food and connect with the owners of the restaurants, like those of Fabi’s Antojitos. I think I should start a photo series about food and the people who cook it. What do you think?

When I am not stuffing my face with Empanadas / Quesadillas, I use the time in between to explore some of the beaches close by and watch the surfers ride the waves as they crash towards the shore. I did try some bodyboarding with some new friends I made from the hostel, which showed me that I need much more practice.

Other highlights of Puerto Escondido included: releasing a baby turtle into the sea and swimming among Bioluminescent plankton that lights up when you move in the water. It’s particularly fun when you keep your eyes open so that they glow right on your eyeball, however, I am not sure if it’s advisable to do it. I’ll let you know next week if I am still alive…

Now to the competition: I asked you to comment and tag a friend in your favourite photo on my Instagram page to help me select the next prints to be included in my online shop. After much consideration, I am happy to announce that Bengi Durgunoglu and his friend Olivia Judd will receive a print of the Golden Gate Bridge sent directly to their doorstep. The poster print of the Golden Gate Bridge is now available to be purchased from the online shop.

Thanks everyone for taking part and following my journey to photograph the world without setting foot on an aeroplane.