From the Redwoods to Big Sur

We woke up to the sound of a black and blue feathered bird singing in front to our window, which the Ranger confirmed to be a Stella’s Jay: “Those are annoying buggers!” She added and confirmed that we were all cleared to leave the campsite.

We drove up to Alpine Road and made our way west towards the coast. The fog had returned and covered the entire landscape in a thick white blanket. It only cleared, when we arrived at Highway 1 and we could finally see beyond the road to catch a glimpse of the ocean right in front of us.

The view out towards the Pacific Ocean

It was a serene experience seeing the waves crash against the rocks and doing so straight out of our home on wheels as we parked on a pullout to admire the views.

The journey continues down Highway 1 passed Santa Cruz and Monterrey where we eagerly awaited the legendary sight of Big Sur.

Once again the fog didn’t want to have any of it and pretty much ruined our view. There were occasional spots where the fog lifted to give us a glimpse of how the Big Sur might actually look like. However I managed to get some nice shots and we kept our spirits high with good music and conversations.

Big Sur obscured by them mist

We knew that parts of the coast were closed off so we weren’t surprised to run into a roadblock at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park and turned around to head back to Monterrey.

Once again we faced the dilemma of finding a place to stay at short notice, but thanks to we found a rest area at Camp Roberts on the 101 on the way to our next destination.